Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Structural Homeopathy: Lanthanide themes in Lachesis?

Structural Homeopathy: Lanthanide themes in Lachesis?

For those who want to truly delve into the inner workings of homeopathy I highly recommend Stephanie's Blog. There you will find well organized information about the Kingdoms: Plant, Mineral & Animal.

Stephanie has a keen understanding of the motivations of these living forms and entities. She has presented charts and structures for comparison and main themes. There is enough information there to keep you busy for years, I believe.

The blogs are full of insight, comparative philosophy, theory, personalities in homeopathy, cutting edge research and so much more.

With a background in psychology she has integrated all her knowledge and wisdom, added poetry, astrology, anecdotes iconic figures and cultural notations.

Once again, I highly recommend and give five stars to "Structural Homeopathy." There is more than Lanthanides here.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Poetry When You Are Stuck

A twitter friend, Joanna Penn of Brisbane, Australia, sent me to this page. Writer in Residence of Inside-A-Dog with how-to information to get unstuck from writing.

This is never a problem for me. But I took the instructions and created a little poem.

John & Arnab in April Shower
of heavy teardrops
hitting the windshield
as sunrays filter down.
Safe & dry
they hear the sound
patting musical notes
on the glass.
Their sad tears brighten
with the sun
because they are together.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Song in My Head

I'm on so many websites that I started to tally them up and still counting. The twitter revolution is flitting away my time. I'm a junkie and wonder how anyone keeps up with all of this social networking. People tell me to organize and limit.

Wondering how they respond to all the incoming messages, not to mention emails? Just say 'ta-ta' to all your newly made friends? If anyone could guide me to another good blog about how to live. Ah.

Maybe we should simply shut off the computer? Some how I don't know how to do that, yet. I think we're all living vicariously through everyone else's blogs, tweets, posts, hubs, and squids [what do you call those things again?].

This is kind of turning into my very own 'live journal' because I've lost the name and password to that one, too. Isn't it so much excitement and fun building relationships and partnerships? Helping people build their business and sing their song of what they love. Learning social networking is the rage and everyone is doing it.

We all know it is good for some things, but not other things. Like when to find the time to watch the flowers bloom and the kids play?

Is there a website for NING-A-HOLICS Anonymous? Hope to 'Tweet' in again soon. I think my brain is turning to mush as my verbiage disintegrates into bits and bytes. So many links and pages, does anyone know how to AGGREGATE to CONSOLIDATE and LIQUIDATE? I will have to make a song about it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Homeopathy World Community

Everything in life happens through an unfolding process. Each day brings a new dawn. We awaken to a new song, meet new people, learn something to add to our growth and hopefully give and take joy. 

One day at the end of March 2009, I was in prayer when a tiny voice inside told me that everything I had been studying could be put to use. A community of people who believed in homeopathy as a healing force could network and use social media to become one whole unit. Using today's technology people from across the globe could interact, learn, teach, talk, smile and share. 

That night I put the whole thing together and fine-tuned some of the ideas into a new website called HomeopathyWorldCommunity. It was a lot of pressure to accomplish this task in one week to open for Homeopathy World Awareness Week 2009 [HWAW]. Originally, I thought it would take 6 months to a year to get it started. 

With the help of Melissa and George Burch of it became a reality. Melissa has been working on social media and networking for two years. Her passion and belief in homeopathy motivated her to create a school so that more homeopaths would be well-trained and ready for action. Right now she is teaching at the Catalyst Total Immersion School in Colorado, USA. 

My gratitude to Melissa, program director, and George, technical assistance, for their guidance, support, training, teleconference, webinar and ustream.  When the site opened for the first time Melissa sustained a full 12-hour marathon interviewing historical members of the homeopathic community. People chatted live and were getting involved and stimulated. 

The potential is enormous for the growth of homepathy around the world. Creating this "Wave of Awareness" begins with us. The website is composed of you, the members who actively discuss issues of concern, link your websites, and generally get the word out to the public. In four short weeks there are 650 members. I know this number will skyrocket exponentially over time filled with quality people who are interested in natural self-care  health-care. 

blessings to all

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wow! Starting A New Blog.

Life begins anew.
Every morning.
Every new acquaintance.
Every new sunshine.
Every new blog.

Many choices
Many decisions
Many roads
Many faces

Opening to opportunities
Blessed world