One day at the end of March 2009, I was in prayer when a tiny voice inside told me that everything I had been studying could be put to use. A community of people who believed in homeopathy as a healing force could network and use social media to become one whole unit. Using today's technology people from across the globe could interact, learn, teach, talk, smile and share.
That night I put the whole thing together and fine-tuned some of the ideas into a new website called HomeopathyWorldCommunity. It was a lot of pressure to accomplish this task in one week to open for Homeopathy World Awareness Week 2009 [HWAW]. Originally, I thought it would take 6 months to a year to get it started.
With the help of Melissa and George Burch of it became a reality. Melissa has been working on social media and networking for two years. Her passion and belief in homeopathy motivated her to create a school so that more homeopaths would be well-trained and ready for action. Right now she is teaching at the Catalyst Total Immersion School in Colorado, USA.
My gratitude to Melissa, program director, and George, technical assistance, for their guidance, support, training, teleconference, webinar and ustream. When the site opened for the first time Melissa sustained a full 12-hour marathon interviewing historical members of the homeopathic community. People chatted live and were getting involved and stimulated.
The potential is enormous for the growth of homepathy around the world. Creating this "Wave of Awareness" begins with us. The website is composed of you, the members who actively discuss issues of concern, link your websites, and generally get the word out to the public. In four short weeks there are 650 members. I know this number will skyrocket exponentially over time filled with quality people who are interested in natural self-care health-care.
blessings to all