Saturday, December 10, 2011

About Earth Day Slogans Evolve Each Birthday Hour With Campaigns To Save Our Planet

EarthDay Educational 

Slogan and Motto Blog

The link below will be a great resource for students, parents, teachers, organizations, companies to brainstorm about the annual Earth Day Celebration. Each year community service organizations, advocacy and environmental groups, schools, local, state and federal government agencies plan events to stimulate interest and action to clean up the environment, reduce waste to create a better world, improve the economy and save many natural areas and resources.

Developing a theme for everyone to get behind creates a party atmosphere and a unified message. 

In the spirit of Earth Day artist paint posters, musicians write and sing songs, textile experts design banners, dancers choreograph a presentation and many other activities surround the chosen theme.

You will learn a whole lot more about developing
an appropriate slogan to focus in on the message
and see a list of ideas from years past on the link 
to Earth Day Campaign Slogans. 

I recently read on Yahoo that the top slogan for Earth Day was, "Love the earth, it's the only one we've got." It received 60% of the votes and I can certainly understand why. First, we must love something in order to give of ourselves, to take action. This slogan reminds me personally about the Ten Commandments and is a reflection of Deuteronomy 6:5 where Moses related to the people, "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all they soul, and with all they might."

This teaches us that we must put our heart and soul into repairing the damage to the earth. We must do it with faith. We must do it to take care of the children, humanity and generations to come after us. We cannot be selfish and think only about today. And, in fact, loving the earth branches out from God's commandments for the world he created for us to live. This is our fishbowl, the air we breath, the water we drink and the earth from which we build and upon we walk. Let's take care of our earth by creating slogans to motivate us to do more than ever before to save our planet.

Click link below to learn more

In anticipation of the 2012 Earth Day Celebration I created a short video message.

Other Articles of Interest:

  • If people don't act to save the world we will not have the plants that we love such as Shitake Mushrooms Recipe. You will find a scrumptious recipe for the mushrooms you find in the wooded natural areas around your home or neighborhood when the weather changes in the Springtime.
  • Five reasons to become a vegetarian. One of those reasons concerns "Saving The Earth."
  • Farmers and seed producers band together to against Monsanto. As an environmental advocate concerned with genetically modified seeds, plants and foods, read about a step in the right direction to unify against the giant Goliath of the agricultural industry.

Springtime air and rain
sprout tender mushrooms and shoots
light evening saute

 © Debby Bruck 2011 Article and poetry copyright protected/ all rights reserved